
A place to share my words and ideas

Planting the seeds of the future

It happens every January. While December is filled with gifts, decorations, rituals and events, there often isn’t much to be excited about after the holidays have ended. Unless you are a gardener. Seeds from Renee’s Garden are among my favorites. I love the artwork done for each of the packets. The seed catalogs start arriving in the mail in November, and by December, I have already poured through the paper versions as well as my online...

Turning a negative into a positive

I have been fortunate. Other than unexpected surgery, I have been healthy throughout the pandemic. Not even a cold or a sniffly nose. Until Christmas. Then, I came in contact with someone who gave me a virus. The hard part is, in the middle of a pandemic, one never really knows what kind of virus has been shared. Did I have COVID? I went through the stages of denial. My throat wasn’t really that scratchy; and my nose was only a little stuffy....